2021 - 2022
- Stacey Anderson, Arts & Humanities (expires Spring 23)
- Dylan Cooper, Business and Economics (expires Spring 23)
- Reha Kadakal, Behavioral & Social Sciences (expires Spring 22)
- Alona Kryshchenko, Math & Sciences (expires Spring 22)
- Sean Kramer, Non-Voting, Student Systems
- Blake Büller, Non-Voting, Articulation and Curriculum
- Chiara Lamb, Non-Voting, Articulation and Curriculum
- Melissa Silva, Non-Voting, Records & Registration
- Andrea Skinner, Non-Voting, Academic Programs and Planning Analyst
- TBD, Non-Voting, Student Representative
- Stacey Anderson, Arts & Humanities (expires Spring 21)
- Bob Bleicher, Education (expires Spring 21)
- Alona Kryshchenko, Math & Sciences (expires Spring 22)
- Reha Kadakal, Behavioral & Social Sciences (expires Spring 22)
- Yalcin Taylan, Business & Economics (expires Spring 21)
- Sean Kramer, Non-Voting, Student Systems
- Eileen Ryding, Non-Voting, Advising
- Blake Büller, Non-Voting, Academic Programs
- Janet Rizzoli, Non-Voting, Academic Programs
- Melissa Silva, Non-Voting, Records & Registration
- Andrea Skinner, Non-Voting, Curriculum Coordinator
- TBD, Non-Voting, Student Representative
- Stacey Anderson, Arts & Humanities (expires Spring 21)
- Bob Bleicher, Education (expires Spring 21)
- TBD, Math & Sciences (expires Spring 21)
- Reha Kadakal, Behavioral & Social Sciences (expires Spring 20)
- Yalcin Taylan, Business & Economics (expires Spring 21)
- Chris Long, Non-Voting, Student Systems
- Eileen Ryding, Non-Voting, Advising
- Blake Büller, Non-Voting, Academic Programs
- Janet Rizzoli, Non-Voting, Academic Programs
- Melissa Silva, Non-Voting, Records & Registration
- Andrea Skinner, Non-Voting, Curriculum Coordinator
- TBD, Non-Voting, Student Representative
- Bob Bleicher, Co-Chair, Education (expires Spring 19)
- Marie Francois, co-Chair, at-large (expires Fall 17)
- Jason Miller, Co-Chair, Math & Sciences (expires Spring 18)
- Stacey Anderson, Arts & Humanities (expires Spring 19)
- Reha Kadakal, Behavioral & Social Sciences (expires Spring 18)
- Ekin Pehlivan, Business & Economics (expires Spring 19)
- Mary Adler, Non-Voting, Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences
- Blake Büller, Non-Voting, Academic Programs
- Kristen Dobson, Non-Voting, Advising
- Ana Duran, Non-Voting, Student Systems
- Mikhail Kadyrov, Non-Voting, Student Rep
- Mary Laurence, Non-Voting, Programs and Planning
- Janet Rizzoli, Non-Voting, Academic Programs
- Stephany Rodriguez, Non-Voting, Student Systems
- Melissa Silva, Non-Voting, Records & Registration
- Andrea Skinner, Non-Voting, Curriculum Coordinator
- Geoff Buhl, Co-chair Chair of the GE Committee, Math and Sciences (expires Spring 17)
- Marie Francois, Co-Chair of GE Committee, Inter. Director of Ungrad Studies (expires Spring 18)
- Ekin Pehlivan, Business and Economics (expires Spring 17)
- Mary Adler, Arts and Humanities (expires Spring 17)
- Reha Kadakal, Sociology (expires Spring 18)
- Colleen Harris-Keith, Library, (expires Spring 18)
- Melissa Silva, Non-Voting, Records and Registrations
- Blake Büller, Non-Voting GE, Committee Member
- Janet Rizzoli, Non-Voting GE, Committee Member
- Andrea Skinner, Non-Voting, Curriculum Coordinator
- Mary Laurence, Non-Voting, Programs and Planning
- Kristen Dobson, Non-Voting, Advising
- Mary Adler, Arts and Humanities (expires Spring 17)
- Geoff Buhl, Chair of the GE Committee, Math and Sciences (expires Spring 17)
- Virgil Adams, Behavior and Social Sciences (expires Spring 16)
- Robert Bleicher, Education (expires Spring 16)
- Ekin Pehlivan, Business and Economics (expires Spring 17)
- Blake Büller, Non-Voting GE Committee Member
- Rachel Danielson, Non-Voting, Records & Registration
- Sarah Johnson, Non-Voting, Advising
- Janet Rizzoli, Non-Voting GE Committee Member
- Andrea Skinner, Non-Voting Coordinator
- Sue Saunders, Non-Voting, Advising
- Geoff Buhl, Chair of the GE Committee, Math and Sciences (expires Spring 15)
- Virgil Adams, Behavior and Social Sciences (expires Spring 16)
- Robert Bleicher, Education (expires Spring 16)
- Blake Büller, Non-Voting GE Committee Member
- Catherine Buriss, Arts and Humanities (expires Spring 15)
- Rachel Danielson, Non-Voting, Records & Registration
- Dax Jacobson, Business and Economics (expires Spring 15)
- Sarah Johnson, Non-Voting, Advising
- Janet Rizzoli, Non-Voting GE Committee Member
- Andrea Skinner, Non-Voting Coordinator
- Sue Saunders, Non-Voting, Advising