Minigrant Review Committee

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Committee Composition
Minigrant Review Committee shall consist of seven members elected from the following constituencies for a 1-year term: 1 from Math & Sciences, 1 from Arts & Humanities, 1 from Business and Economics, 1 from Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1 from Education, 1 from the Library/Counselors and 1 lecturer.

The responsibilities of the Minigrant Review Committee shall include:

1. Establishing criteria and procedures for the application, review, evaluation and rating of Mini-Grants.
2. Criteria for evaluating proposals should be clearly specified prior to the annual announcement of the request for proposals. However, the MRC shall have the ability to alter criteria from year to year. 
3. Working with the appropriate administrator to generate announcements regarding availability of awards and deadlines.
4. Reviewing, discussing, and rating mini-grant proposals and making award recommendations to the appropriate administrator.
5. Providing a brief written rationale accounting for the ranking it gives to each proposal. If a proposal is deemed to lack merit and is consequently not ranked, a written rationale shall be provided.
6. When an administrator changes the committee rankings, a written explanation shall be provided.
7. When functions of the Minigrant Review Committee also fall within the areas of concern of other committees, the Committee will work in conjunction with those committees.
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