This page includes the current membership (Senators and ex officio) for Academic Senate, followed by committee rosters.  If you are aware of errors in the Senate roster, please contact If you are aware of errors in the committee rosters, please contact

Senate Membership (Senators & ex officio members)

The Academic Senate for 2024-2025 has 79 seats representing 49 University areas.  The table below lists the Senators and ex officio members who have been identified as of 15 August 2024.  This table will be updated as represented areas provide the names of their Senator.  

You will note many positions noted as OPEN; a call for service will be issued early in the term to all eligible faculty. Committees without chairs/conveners are requested to select one at their earliest convenience and to communicate this information to

Constituent Area Seats Term Ends SP25 Term Ends Sp26
Senate Chair 1 -- Christina Smith
Africana Studies 1 Cameron Harris --
Anthropology 1 Jaime Matera
[F24: Colleen Delaney] 
Art & Art History 1 -- Marianne McGrath
Biology 2 Amy Denton Gareth Harris
Business 2 Cindy Sherman Maria Ballesteros-Sola
Chemistry 1 -- Nancy Deans
Chicana/o Studies 1 Jennie Luna [Nicholas Centino, F24 only] --
Communication 1 -- Megan Kinney-Fiester
Computer Science/Mechatronics   1 -- Bahareh Abbasi
Early Childhood Studies 1 Annie White --
Economics 1 Jared Barton --
English 1 -- Taryn Hakala [AY24-25 only]
ESRM 1 Sean Anderson --
Global Languages 1 -- Antonio Jiménez
Health Science 1 -- Tom Clobes
History 1 -- Jim Meriwether
Math 2 Ivona Grzegorczyk Cindy Wyels
Nursing 1 -- Aaron McColpin
Performing Arts 1 Heather Castillo --
Physics 1   Brian Rasnow
Political Science & Global Studies 1 -- Chris Scholl
Psychology 2 Kimmy Kee-Rose Weldon Smith
Sociology 1 Jose Luis Collazo --
Library 1 Janet Pinkley --
Education Foundations 1 -- Manuel Correia
Teacher Education 2 pending pending
Educational Leadership 1 Chuck Weis --
Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) Senators At Large 4 Mari Estrada (ECS)
William Munroe (Chemistry)

Tabitha Swan-Wood (Physics)
Susan Lefevre (UNIV)

AAPIA 1 -- Nancy Chen
BFSA 1 -- Eva Vines
CHILFASA 1 -- José Alamillo
IFSA 1 Tiina Itkonen --
QAA 1 Ronald Berkowski --
WOC 1 -- Georgina Guzman
Center Directors (ex-officio)** 4

CCE: Georgina Guzman
CGE (was CIA): Andrea Grove
CSA (was CME): Jennie Luna

CIS: Alison Perchuk (S27)
CFA Chapter President (ex-officio)** 1 Greg Wood  
Chair APPC (AVP + Faculty) 2

AVP: Neto
Faculty: pending

Chair AEBC 1 Alison Perchuk  
Chair FAC 1 Lydia Dixon [S25 replacement pending]  
Chair SBC/2nd Officer 1 Matthew Campbell  
Chair CEAR/3rd Officer 1 Peter Krause  
SWAS 2 Greg Wood Monica Pereira (S27)
ASI* 1 Andrew Fox  
Staff Council* 3

Cynthia County
Jeannette Edwards
Sean Kramer

MPPs (ex-officio)* 3 Monica Rivas (Advising)
Colleen Forest (Registrar)
President ** 1 Rich Yao  
Vice Presidents ** 4 Jessica Lavariega Monforti [interim]
Eboni Ford Turnbow
Bradley Olin
Ritchie LeRoy

Vice Provost and AVPs in Academic Affairs ** 5 Jessica Lavariega Monforti
Gina Gibau
Michelle Hassendonckx
Veronica Guerrero
Lina Neto
Deans & Associate Deans AA ** 7

Susan Andrejewski (MVS)
Phil Hampton (A&S)
Luis Sanchez (A&S)
Jill Leafstedt (EU/Library)
Elizabeth Orozco Reilly (Education)
Spencer Clark (Education)

Student Affairs Personnel ** 1-2 Jazmin Guajardo  
Representatives of Tech Services ** 1-2 pending  

'--' denotes that there is no Senator for this represented area whose terms expires in this year
* = limited voting rights
** = non-voting

Senate Committee Membership


Greg Wood & Chuck Weis, co-parliamentarians

Executive Committee of the Academic Senate

Christina Smith, Senate Chair
Jeanne Grier, Past Senate Chair (replacing Jason Miller, who is on sabbatical AY 24-25)
Matthew Campbell, Vice Chair (2nd Officer) & SBC Chair
Peter Krause, 3rd Officer & CEAR Chair
Alison Perchuk, AEBC Chair
pending, APPC Faculty co-Chair
Lydia Dixon, FAC Chair [S25 replacement pending]
Nancy Deans, Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) Council Co-Chair (voting)
Tabitha Swan-Wood, Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) Council Co-Chair (non-voting)
Hannah Smit, Unity Coalition Representative
Andrew Fox, ASI Representative
Gregory Wood, CFA Representative
Cindy Sherman, MVS Representative
Monica Periera, Senior Campus Senator, ASCSU
Sean Kramer, Staff Council Representative
Rich Yao, President (or designee) ex officio
Jessica Lavariega Monforti, Interim Provost (or designee) ex officio

State-Wide Academic Senate/Academic Senate of the CSU Academic Affairs representative

Monica Pereia, at large (term ends Spring 26)
Greg Wood, at large (term ends Spring 25)

Academic Policy and Planning Committee (includes Chairs of Local Curriculum Committees) (tenured faculty only)

FACULTY CO-CHAIR: pending [Correia interim convener]
Stacey Anderson, Arts & Humanities LCC Chair (term ends Spring 25)
Dana Lee Baker, Behavioral and Social Sciences LCC Chair (term ends Spring 26)
Ruben Alarcon, Math & Sciences LCC Chair (term ends Spring 26)
Manuel Correia (School of Education), Professional Studies LCC Chair (term ends Spring 25)
Cindy Sherman, Business and Economics representative (term ends Spring 25)
Monica Pereira, Library & Counselors representative (term ends Spring 25)
Reha Kadakal, Chair of the GE Committee (ex officio non-voting)

Appointments, Elections, & Bylaws Committee

CHAIR:  Perchuk
Alison Perchuk, Arts and Humanities (term ends Spring 26)
OPEN, Behavioral and Social Sciences (term ends Spring 25)
Brendan Cline, Business & Economics (term ends Spring 25)
, Education (term ends Spring 26) 
Aaron Sandoval, Library/Counselors (term ends Spring 25)
Alona Kryshchenko, Math and Sciences (term ends Spring 26)
Christina Smith, Senate Chair (ex officio)

Committee on Centers and Institutes

CHAIR: Lefevre
Tadashi Dozono, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Susan Lefevre, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Vivian Henchy, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Vida Vakilian, at large (term ends Spring 26)
Nitika Parmar, at large (term ends Spring 26)

Committee on Equity and Anti-Racism

CHAIR:  Krause
Peter Krause, Psychology, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Brittnee Veldman, Chemistry, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Amira Ibrahim, Psychology, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Daniel Armanino, Sociology, NTTF representative (term ends Spring 25)
José Alamillo, Chicana/o Studies, at large (term ends Spring 26)
OPEN, TT, at large (term ends Spring 26)
Susan Lefevre, NTTF representative (term ends Spring 26)
(no two representatives may be from the same department/program; 5 are TT, 2 NTT)

Faculty Affairs Committee

CHAIR: Dixon [S25 sabbatical replacement pending]
Jeff Benedetti, Library/Counselors (term ends Spring 25)
Nancy Deans, NTTF Representative (term ends Spring 25)
Aura Perez-Gonzalez, Education (term ends Spring 25)
Jared Barton, Business and Economics (term ends Spring 25)
Mary Adler, Arts & Humanities (term ends Spring 26)
HyeSun Lee, Behavioral and Social Sciences (term ends Spring 26)
Lydia Dixon, Math & Sciences (term ends Spring 26) [S25 sabbatical replacement: Britnee Veldman]

Faculty Development Advisory Committee

Hanni Jalil, tenure-track faculty representative (term ends Spring 25)
Kristin Linton, tenure-track faculty representative, at-large (term ends Spring 25)
Hyunsook Youn, tenure-track faculty representative (term ends Spring 25)
OPEN, NTTF representative (term ends Spring 25)
KuanFen Liu, tenure-track faculty representative (term ends Spring 26)
Amira Ibrahim, tenure-track faculty representative (term ends Spring 26)
Rachael Jordan, NTTF representative (term ends Spring 26)

General Education Committee

CHAIR: Kadakal
Reha Kadakal, Behavioral & Social Sciences (term ends Spring 26)
Mari Riojas-Cortez, Education (term ends Spring 26)
Reza Abdolee, Math & Sciences (term ends Spring 26)
Ryan Murphy, Business and Economics (term ends Spring 25)
Tadashi Dozono, Ethnic Studies (term ends Spring 25)
Laura Covault, Arts & Humanities (term ends Spring 25)

Professional Leave Committee

CHAIR:  Pinkley
Reha Kadakal, Behavioral & Social Sciences (term ends Spring 25)
Priscilla Liang, Business & Economics (term ends Spring 25)
Janet Pinkley, Library/Counselors (term ends Spring 25)
Sean Carswell, Arts & Humanities (term ends Spring 26) 
OPEN, Math & Sciences (term ends Spring 26)
Carolee Hurtado, Education (term ends Spring 26)

Research and Grants Committee

CO-CONVENERS: de Lacalle & Paolillo
Argero Zerr, Behavioral & Social Sciences (term ends Spring 25)
Yeawon Yoo, Business & Economics (term ends Spring 25)
Catherine Paolillo, Library/Counselors (term ends Spring 25)
Kara Naidoo, Education (term ends Spring 26) [S25 sabbatical replacement: Kay Park]
Sonsoles de Lacalle, Math & Sciences (term ends Spring 26)
KuanFen Liu, Arts & Humanities (term ends Spring 26)
Catherine Ellis, NTTF Representative, (term ends Spring 26)

Senate Budget Committee

CHAIR: Campbell
OPEN, Arts and Humanities (term ends Spring 27)
Annie White, Education (term ends Spring 27)
Dennis Downey, at large (term ends Spring 26) 
Aaron Sandoval, Library/Counselors (term ends Spring 26)
Matthew Campbell, Behavioral and Social Sciences (term ends Spring 26)
Greg Wood, Math and Sciences (term ends Spring 25)
OPEN, Business & Economics (term ends Spring 25)

Student Academic Policies and Procedures

CONVENERS: Isaacs/Smith
Jason Issacs, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Javier Gonzalez, at large (term ends Spring 25)
OPEN, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Weldon Zane Smith, at large (term ends Spring 26)
OPEN, at large (term ends Spring 26) 

Senate Advisory Committees, elected faculty positions

ACIP (CSU-wide Academic Council on International Programs) Representative

Kimmy Kee-Rose (term ends Spring 27)

Administrator Evaluation Committee (tenured faculty only)

CONVENER: de Lacalle
Sonsoles de Lacalle, at large, tenured faculty (term ends Spring 25)
Chuck Weis, at large, tenured faculty (term ends Spring 25)
Alison Perchuk, at large, tenured faculty (term ends Spring 25)
OPEN, at-large, tenured faculty (term ends Spring 26)
OPEN, at-large, tenured faculty (term ends Spring 26)

Center for Community Engagement Advisory Committee

CHAIR: Guzman
Georgina Guzman, CCE Interim Faculty Director (term ends Spring 25)
Hyunsook Youn, at-large (term ends Spring 25)
Kristen Linton, at-large (term ends Spring 26)

Center for Integrative Studies Advisory Committee

CHAIR:  Perchuk
Alison Perchuk, CIS Faculty Director (term ends Spring 27)
Lance Nolde, at large (term ends Spring 25) [F24 sabbatical replacement OPEN]
OPEN, at large (term ends Spring 26)
OPEN, at large (term ends Spring 26)

Center for Global Engagement Advisory Committee

CHAIR:  Grove
Andrea Grove, CGE Faculty Director (term ends Spring 25)
Hanni Jalil, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Javier Gonzalez, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Annie White, at large (term ends Spring 26)
Jim Meriwether, at large (term ends Spring 26) [S25 sabbatical replacement: Chris Scholl]
Kathleen Klompien, at large (term ends Spring 26)
Kimmy Kee-Rose, ACIP Representative (ex officio)

Center for Social Action Advisory Committee

CHAIR:  Luna
Jennie Luna, CSA Faculty Co-Director (term ends Spring 25)
Ronald Berkowsky, at large (term ends Spring 26)
Aura Pérez-González, at large (term ends Spring 26)
E. Nicole Vines, at large (term ends Spring 25)


Non-Tenure Track Faculty Council (NTT faculty only)

Nancy Deans, Co-Chair (term ends Spring 26)
Tabitha Swan-Wood, Co-Chair (term ends Spring 26) 
Susan Lefevre, Communications Officer (term ends Spring 25)
Link to council website coming soon!

Staff Council (Staff only)

Chair – Rebecca Slocum
Vice Chair – Sean Kramer
Secretary – Rachel Danielson
Treasurer – Colleen Hawes
Custodian of Records – Amanda Sanchez
Complete roster

University Advisory Committees & Other

Academic and Admissions Appeals Committee

Elizabeth Sowers, at large (term ends Spring 26)
Tom Clobes, at large (term ends Spring 25)

Business Continuity Planning Task Force

Janet Pinkley, at large (term ends Spring 25)

Commencement Committee

OPEN, at large(term ends Spring 25)
OPEN, at large (term ends Spring 25)
OPEN, at large (term ends Spring 25)

Food Service Committee

Ron Berkowski, at large (term ends Spring 25)

Foundation Board

Marianne McGrath, at large (term ends Spring 26)

Instructionally-Related Activities (IRA) Committee

OPEN, at large (term ends Spring 26)
Jose Alamillo, at large (term ends Spring 25)

Materials, Services, Facilities, Technology (MSFT) Committee

Janet Pinkley, at large (term ends Spring 26)
Paul Murphy, at large (term ends Spring 25)

Physical Master Plan Committee

Appointment pending, at large

President's Planning & Policy Council (PPPC)

Christina Smith, Senate Chair (ex officio)
Matthew Campbell, Senate Budget Committee representative
Janet Pinkley, at large, tenure-track faculty representative (term ends Spring 26)
Susan Lefevreat large, non-tenure track faculty representative (term ends Spring 25)

Strategic Resource Planning Committee (SRPC)

Christina Smith, Senate Chair (ex officio)
Greg Wood, Senate Budget Committee representative
Lorna Profant, NTTF representative (term ends Spring 25)
Sohui Lee, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Matthew Campbell, at large (term ends Spring 25)

Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC)

OPEN, at large (term ends Spring 25)
Mari Riojas-Cortez, at large (term ends Spring 26)

Sustainability Working Group

Aura Perez-Gonzalez, at large (term ends Spring 25)

Transportation Subcommittee

OPEN, at large (term ends Spring 26)

University Art Review Committee

Marianne McGrath, Art Program representative (term ends Spring 25)

University Glen Community Advisory Board (UG residents only)

OPEN, UG residents only (term ends Spring 26). Two positions.

University Police Advisory Council

OPEN, Senate Executive Representative (1-yr term, ends Spring 25)
OPEN, Faculty Representative, at large (1-yr sabbatical replacement; 2-yr term ends Spring 25)

University Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee (URTPC)

Committee runs under FASE. All full professors are eligible to serve; obligation to serve if elected.
Antonio Jiménez Jiménez, Arts & Humanities, ends Spring 2025
Dennis Downey, Behavioral & Social Sciences, ends Spring 2026
Ekin Pehlavin, Business & Economics, ends Spring 2025
Georgina Guzman (At-Large Replacement), Library & Counseling, ends Spring 2026
Jorge Garcia, Math & Sciences, ends Spring 2026
Brian Sevier, Education, ends Spring 2025
Tiina Itkonen, At Large, ends Spring 2026


*Page last updated on October 18, 2024, by Alison Locke Perchuk

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